Today we had our 2nd one day long distance race for this season. The birds were released at 6.45 a.m. in Châteaudun, 518 kms. At 12.28 p.m. our first pigeon arrived. He gains a speed of 1,506 meters per minute. We didnt' saw any pigeon at all and because of the time we had to wait for our 2nd bird, which still wins the 3rd prize, we already thought it was an early bird.
After we talked to several champions such as Hans Eijerkamp, Arie van Beek and Nico-Jan Koenders, we got the feeling it could be the fastest bird of our Amalgation.
It lastet till 18.30 pm when the chairman of our amalgation called us and told us we won the 1st NPO in Afdeling 8 against 12,027 p. Last year we also won a first NPO against 16.971 p!!
Our first arrival was 'Conan' NL07-1513702. He is our best pigeon. As a yearling he won 4 first prizes. His best prizes:
1st NPO Châteaudun (518 km) 9.959 p. in 2009
1st Ablis (456 km) 742 p. (3rd NPO 5,681 p.) in 2008
1st Châteauroux (628 km) 445 p. (8th NPO 3,089 p.) in 2008
1st Pommeroeul (203 km) 476 p. (4th vs 2,885 duiven) in 2008
1st Morlincourt (312 km) 139 p. (3rd vs 1,134 duiven) in 2008
2nd Moeskroen/Menen (203 km) 252 p. in 2008 (after loftmate)
4th Menen 9,291 p. (after 3 pigeons bred at our loft)
4th Morlincourt (312 km) 188 p. in 2008
4th Breuil Le Vert 108 p. in 2008
18th Orléans 1.138 p. (57th NPO 6.135 p.) '09
18th Arras 1.784 p. '09
45th Strombeek 2.521 p. '09
Do you want more information of 'Conan' NL07-1513702 ? Click here.