Marnix - NL17-1055923

Marnix - NL17-1055923

As a youngbird 'Marnix' was:

1. Ace Pigeon Youngbirds Combine (Regio 3, Afd. 8/GOU, 493 members) 
4. Ace Pigeon Youngbirds Prov. (Afd. 8/GOU)

In 2017 he won 10 prizes 1:10 out of 12 races, among others:

9. Creil 549 b.
11. Péronne 2,082 p. (14. NPO 10,280 b.)
16. Vervins 3.194 b.
22. Laon 1.542 b.
51. Troyes 1.660 b.

'Marnix' became father to a.o:

NL20-1302170 'Paris':

1. Ace Pigeon General Speed (100-500 km) Afd. 8/ZW (appr. 400 members) 2022
1. Ace Pigeon Natour Afd. 8/ZW 2022

1. Bierges 2.144 p.
1 .Reusel 254 p.
2. Prov. Chimay 8.815 p. (beaten by loftmate with 4 sec)
5. Meer 855 p.
11. Quievrain 3.569 p. (1. vs 219 p.)
15. Morlincourt 2.412 p.
17. Nanteuil 1.992 p.
20. Bierges 4.090 p.
44. Dizy le Gros 14.634 p.
61. Sens 6.057 p.
185. Morlincourt 20.278 p.


7. Ace Pigeon Youngbirds Afd. 8/ZW 20022

2. Bierges 2.370 p. (beaten by loftmate by 5 sec.)
4. Reusel 200 p.
78. Prov. Morlincourt 6.496 p.


6. Quievrain 2.392 p.
2. Tienen 151 p.
3. Reusel 200 p.

'Marnix' is grandfather to among others:

1. NPO Nanteuil (378 kms) vs 5,037 b. (at W. Geurtz and son)

Marnix is a (half)brother to:

2. NPO Laon 5.836 b.
3. NPO Mantes la Jolie 4.029 b.
4. NPO Pithiviers 3.508 b.
5. NPO Troyes 6.376 b.
5. NPO Péronne 5.089 b.
7. Nat. S3 Melun 8.389 b.
7. Prov. Chalons 12.753 b.
10. NPO Blois 4.863 b.
10. NPO Sens 3,944 b.

Genotype: CRY1 AGTT

Last modified: 10/09/2024