'Odar' was handpicked by Falco when he visited Bas Verkerk in Autumn 2019 when he needed fresh blood to strengthen the Ebben-strain.
'Odar' became father to NL20-1302112 'Prince Siem' which won 1st Provincial Melun vs 7,291 b.
In his first year as a breeder (mated to a full sister of 'Linus'), he gave several birds which performed extremely well in One Loft Races:
- NL20-1302175 which wins in the Algarve Golden Race 2020:
5. Azaruja (174 km) against 4,081 p.
54. Castelo B (297 km) against 3,915 p.
68. Azaruja (174 km) against 4,305 p.
64. Ace Pigeon Algarve Golden Race 2020.
Because of the nice results of this bird, Will & Falco decided to send three latebreds from the same pair to the some winter One Loft Races:
- NL20-1302234 which wins in the Corabia Winter Edition 2021:
4. Villanueva (104 km) agiainst 1,854 p.
18. Caceres (237 km) against 1,554 p.
- NL20-1302242 which wins in the Corrida/Algarve Great Derby Winter Edition 2021:
19. Semi-Final (420 km) against 1,323 p.
23. Estremoz (205 km) against 1,529 p.
- NL20-1302243 which wins in the Corrida/Algarve Great Derby Winter Edition 2021:
4. Portalegre (250 km) against 1,510 p.
76. Estremoz (205 km) against 1,529 p
111 Evora Monte (196 km) against 1,558 p.
'Odar' is among others grandfather to:
- BE21-6128159, which won at Patrick Cassimon (Kalmthout, Belgium) 1. Melun 455 p.