Oreo - NL19-1466499

Oreo - NL19-1466499

'Oreo' is a daughter to NL13-1921960 'Icarus' x NL12-1355707 'Hadenna'.

'Oreo' won among others: 

2. Quievrain 5,139 b. (beaten by nestsister)
5. Provincial Niergnies 9,279 b.
15. Niergnies 5.156 b.
21. Bierges 5.348 b.
100. Int. NU Orléans 22,706 b.
13. Niergnies 2,499 b.

And so on.

She returned badly injured from Melun (June 13, 2021) and was sent to the breeding loft afterwards.

'Oreo' became 1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance Afd. 8/ZW (appr. 400 members) in 2021 and 5th Provincial Ace Pigeon Short Distance Afdeling 8/GOU.

'Oreo' is a full sister to among others:

NL20-1302181 'Piet'

11. Ace Pigeon One Day Long Distance NU 2022 and winner of among others:

1. Vierzon '21 (574 km) 1,062 p. (at 1170 mpm)
(8. National Sector 3 vs 8,309 p.)
1. Vierzon '22 - 527 p. (at 1194 mpm)
(14. National Sector 3 vs 9,565 p.)
1. Issoudun (605 km) 898 p. (at 1256 mpm)
(7. NPO Afdeling 8/GOU vs 3.864 p.)
7. Prov. Dizy le Gros 14,634 p.
5. Châteauroux (628 km) 508 p. (at 1013 mpm)
(22. NPO Afdeling 8/GOU vs 3,304 p.)
3. Nanteuil 1,992 p.
81. Bierges 5,348 p.
90. Niergnies 9,279 p.

NL17-1055942 ‘Mona Lisa’:

1st Vervins 3,194 p. (fastest liberation 6,838 p.)

NL17-1055936 ‘Madaline’:

1st Provincial ace pigeon (SFG) middle distance youngbirds 2017
2nd Ace pigeon youngbirds combine (Regio 3, Afd. 8, 493 fanciers) 2017
1st Laon 439 p.
13th NPO Péronne 10,280 p.
5th Creil 549 p.

NL19-1466498 'Odessa':

1st Quievrain 5,139 p.
4th Tienen 2,845 p.
4th Nanteuil 1,879 p.

Genotype: CRY1 AGTT

Last modified: 12/04/2024