Last Saturday our clubmate Eric Bouwman from Afferden won 1st Soissons in his federation against 1,658 pigeons.
Eric Bouwman from Afferden
The winner, NL13-1921652, is for 50% from our strain. His mother was bred by us and a daughter to our NL08-1241483 'Diablo', a great breeder, just like his father 'Cyrus'.
The NL13-1921652 is a great pigeon. It won already 4 x 1st in club and 7 x 1:100. Normally it flew on top when the circumstances were heavy, but now he won at a velocity of 1,814 meters per minute.
His best results so far:
1st Soissons (315 kms) 1,658 pigeons (at 1814 mpm)
1st St. Quentin (280 kms) 1,053 pigeons (at 1298 mpm)
3rd NPO Meaux (379 kms) 5,705 pigeons (at 1162 mpm)
11th Soissons (315 kms) 3,147 pigeons (at 1300 mpm)
1st Feluy (179 kms) 202 pigeons (at 1346 mpm)
16th Duffel (118 kms) 1,965 pigeons (at 1207 mpm)
15th Isnes (166 kms) 1,793 pigeons (at 1198 mpm)
And so on!
For the pedigree of NL13-1921652 click here.
The entire loft accommodation of Eric Bouwman proves that you don't need lots of pigeons or very big lofts to succeed in pigeonsport. Quality is what you need! On this loft he won numerous of 1st prizes in the last years.